Sometimes hope is enough 


I wrote for myself and  a small group that read my blog. There was always hope that I’d eventually write and be read by more than just a few friends. 

Tomorrow in the Sunday New York Times my book “If you love me: A Mother’s Journey Through Her Daughter’s Opioid Addiction” will be reviewed. 

Never give up hope. 💕🐞

New York Times

About Magnolia Beginnings

Just when you think you have it all down it changes again or... “Reshaping life! People who can say that have never understood a thing about life—they have never felt its breath, its heartbeat—however much they have seen or done. They look on it as a lump of raw material that needs to be processed by them, to be ennobled by their touch. But life is never a material, a substance to be molded. If you want to know, life is the principle of self-renewal, it is constantly renewing and remaking and changing and transfiguring itself, it is infinitely beyond your or my obtuse theories about it.” ― Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

3 responses »

  1. Wow; I especially appreciated the Good Housekeeping story. Having the NYT review will also help this reach a much-larger audience.

    Most appreciated, however, is your courage to share your story. It’s interesting how sometimes the people you think would be there during hard times – are the ones that mysteriously go silent/absent, yet others (highly-sensitive ones) realize that you might be feeling soberly (and frighteningly) alone. As I mentioned back in July when you wrote ‘The Spoon’ – wow, I was so surprised… You introduced me into a world I’d never encountered, and I realized that this could happen in any home…

    I re-opened the page for ‘The Spoon’ to read again, but now at home I see that the page didn’t load… Well, next time online I’ll load it again and will have it for the next week!

    By example, you teach countless lessons to others; many people might realize that they drop the ball when others could use a friend’s patient ear – or a baked-with-love casserole to represent a token attempt to say, “I’m so sorry.” Sometimes people can be so caught up in their own lives that they forget to have compassion for others… You also remind us of the serpents waiting round the bend that can shatter the iconic “fairy tale-family” home. You show how one can turn a tragic event into a way to help others who are navigating uncharted waters. You also show us that there are times to speak up, even when what we have to share is not a pretty story.

    May Kaitlin find her way to complete recovery and is one day able to state, “I’m stronger than the drug demon.”

    (Written off line, and about five days before I’ll be on line again.)

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