5 Questions to Make Your Dreams Come


I thought this was great advice….

5 Questions to Make Your Dreams Come True By David Arenson

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs

Perhaps you feel stuck in a situation. Instead of seeing the situation as a learning point, or stimulus for making a change, you feel stuck in the perceived drama of it. 
If a relationship or job ends, it is not the end of the world even though it may feel that way. Some of our greatest leaders have suffered spectacular failures.
We often learn the most from overcoming adversity. Most people know this consciously, yet still feel that the world has ended when they experience a big change.
Most people who consult with me seek increased happiness or more fulfillment. Some have achieved financial wealth, yet yearn for spiritual wealth. Some do yoga but can’t seem to get ahead in their careers. Some already have it so good that they forget to be grateful.
How can your life become truly extraordinary? Ask better questions!
Here are 5 quality questions that will kickstart you on the path to achieving your dreams:
1. What do I dream of doing and how can I be paid to do it?
Another way to ask yourself this is: If money, time, health, etc. were not a factor, what would I love to do with my life?
If I could magically transport myself ahead 10 years from now, and look down upon this moment, what advice would I give to myself? How will I turn this around into an opportunity for realizing my goals?  
How will this make the world a better place? What can I do to be of service (for others and ultimately for all humanity)?
2. What is the ONE action step I can take today to get me closer to achieving my dreams?
Take action on your dreams.
3. How can I learn from this?
What did I do that was an effective strategy-how can I make it even better? Was there something that didn’t work so well, and if so, what did I learn from it? How will this help me improve myself? 
How have I handled challenges in the past? What solutions could I program for myself that will prepare me to face similar challenges in the future?
4. When will I start taking complete responsibility for everything that happens in my life?
Start realizing that this is not a dress rehearsal. If you’re not learning and improving yourself by taking responsibility for everything you have in your life, then your dreams may stay fantasy.
5. What am I truly grateful for?
Enjoy the moments you have. Quality time is taking the time to find out what you enjoy, know yourself better, and bringing that awareness into your life.
It’s extraordinary what magic will start to happen when you open your heart through gratitude.
photo via Steve Jobs

About Magnolia Beginnings

Just when you think you have it all down it changes again or... “Reshaping life! People who can say that have never understood a thing about life—they have never felt its breath, its heartbeat—however much they have seen or done. They look on it as a lump of raw material that needs to be processed by them, to be ennobled by their touch. But life is never a material, a substance to be molded. If you want to know, life is the principle of self-renewal, it is constantly renewing and remaking and changing and transfiguring itself, it is infinitely beyond your or my obtuse theories about it.” ― Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

9 responses »

  1. There really are great questions…life questions…change of life questions. I especially like #5, it’s so important when you are in a stage of your life when these questions need to be asked, to always remember what we are truly grateful for. It helps put the others in perspective. Thanks my friend…such a great way to enter the weekend with thoughts of what the next week will bring.

  2. I love this and am just the space to appreciate this right now. I am finally taking photography seriously and hope that that will lead to something. And maybe writing. But I get so nervous about making a leap. Thanks for the inspiration! Hope you are doing a little better every day.

  3. These are fabulous questions Maureen!! What a terrific way to align thought and action..Thanks so much!! Thinking of you and hope you are smiling a bit more each day..

  4. This is beautiful and so true. I have so many dreams and have been shooting arrows all over the place to make them happen and slowly, but surely they are all coming true 🙂

    So, just to let others know — this advice does work!

  5. Fabulous. As I was going through I kept trying to identify my goals and dreams. Unfortunalety I am so tired right now they all kept coming back to how I can sleep more. Perhaps I need to read it again in the morning 8). An inspirational post for my dreams.
    P.S. NOTTimes; the vision in your photos is amazing…feed the dream!

  6. I think # 4 is the defining one that separates effective from ineffective.
    Thanks for the post. It is inspiring.
    I hope that you are managing ok after your recent loss.
    My thoughts have been and are with you.

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